Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Could Be A Crazy Cat Lady

The cat I’ve had since I was four, is being put down today.

My dad called me and said that he has been in pain for the last little while and the vet said that they couldn’t wait until I got home for break. 

Oreo was the best kitty around. 

He was the first thing I loved, he taught me responsibility, and he always knew when I was crying and was there to comfort me. He was always patient when my baby niece wanted to pet him and play with him. I’m pretty sure he’ll be the first thing to teach her about death. Which makes me proud of him, in a way. Whenever she sees my face or comes over to my house she says, “Oreo! Oreo? Oreo!” and goes looking for him. That will be a little hard to handle thing break…

You might say it’s lame to be crying this much over a cat. But I don’t care.

I love Oreo with all my heart and I called him my prince charming.

I love ya, fluffbutt. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Soap Box Time.

I’ve been super emotional lately, thanks to good old Mother Nature. 
I've had a couple of… revelations, I guess. Let’s see if I can put this eloquently.
Lately, I've been super happy. Hmm… happy isn’t the word.
I have been determined to change my life around.
Whoah…Sarah. That’s a lot to handle. Can’t you just be happy with what you have?
But I am happy with what I have. I am so blessed to live my life. I have wonderful friends, a terrific family, a great education, and a Heavenly Father who loves me. I lead a satisfying life.
But that’s the thing… I want more. Not in a selfish way, but I know that I am destined for greater things.
I want to make my life mean something. Being LDS, a lot of my friends get married very early in their lives. And I don’t want that. I want to make something of my life. Not that getting married young is a bad thing. If you find the one that you're meant to spend an eternity with, why stop that? But I haven't yet and so I want to take risks. I want to travel, I want to explore, I want to go on adventures!
I need to get out of Utah.  I am desperate! 
I just… ugh… what are the words I’m looking for?
I’m so close…. I can taste it. I can feel my life changing. I am finally taking control of my life. I’m losing weight, I’m gaining confidence, I am evolving. 
I refuse to live a mundane life. I can’t. I won’t. 

I am destined for greater things.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Clayton Productions

Oh gosh. Where do I start?

Lately I have been missing it so much. I don't know why. But so it is out there for the world to see....

I miss Clayton Productions.

I want to dance to my favorite medleys, I want to mix up my mic changes, to mess up during rehearsal. I want to spend hours cleaning a medley until it's perfect, to go to the 5 hour dress reahearsals and early morning lift clinics. I want to get excited about a costume and complain when it isn't the most flattering. I want to love the people I call family, to be best friends with my CPC's, laugh at the boys. I want to go on a plane ride with 50 kids, take a 4 hour bus ride. I want to melt in the heat, get sick for two days because I worked so hard, I want to rip my tights when performing on concrete, duct tape my shoes back together. I want to change peoples lives, to see their faces light up as we sing. I want to dance across that taped stage without a care in the world.

I want... I guess is what I'm trying to say.

I miss it. Plain and simple.

I made some of the best memories of my life because in this place. I became the performer am I today, and I will forever be grateful.

I love Clayton Productions.

Stay Excellent
-Sarah Penrod

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


*Side note.... sorry that the pictures don't fit into the post.... I wanted them to be larger but I didn't know how to make the post margins bigger.

Well today I felt artistic. Me having a camera=me being a photographer. Isn't that how it works? Anyway... Sarcasm aside... I really felt inspired today.

All day, I was planning on taking pictures at the park. I had my scriptures and camera in my car, and as soon as work was done... I headed to Park Discovery. I put on some tunes, rolled down the windows and sang the whole way there.

When I got there, I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do. There were some families there (to be expected) and also some middle schoolers. I couldn't help but listen to their conversations.... Was I that annoying at that age? Aaaaaanway....
I sat down at a bench and went to work, I read a couple of scriptures and then decided to capture the essence of what I feel when I read them. I wanted to capture the beauty.
I really like this next one.
I love my set of scriptures. They bring my happiness.
I hope you are enjoying these pictures. I really like them... if I do say so myself =]
I use little tabs to mark my favorite scriptures
I decided to put some of my favorite scriptures on some of these pictures.
I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sundae... Sunday...

Well it is Sunday evening and I am just relaxing.

This week has been a great week!

(If I had a theme song.... I would enter it here)

I made a few schedule changes at work and now I work every day except Sundays and Mondays. Which is nice, because I have nothing to do and I need the money haha.

So after a long week of working... today was much needed. I was a little late for sacrament meeting, and ended up sitting outside of the chapel the entire time. I hate doing that awkward 'everyone now knows I'm late and so I must find a seat and most likely make people stand up so I can get to that seat' walk in. Sunday school was cool because we talked about scriptures and we all got to share our favorite scriptures. And then my boss asked me to watch his 3 sons and it was a blast. They are so adorable! We played some games on my iPad and then watched some Dragon Tales, Phineas and Ferb, and Dora the Explorer followed by some soccer and jumping on the tramp. It was a great day =]

I met with the missionaries this past week, went to institute, hung out with some friends, watched a ton of Netflix, went to OTC, and worked.

Hopefully this week is as good as last week! Well, I'm off to do some more relaxing! Happy Sunday!

Stay Excellent
-Sarah Penrod

Monday, May 21, 2012

Home Is Where The Heart Is

As the title leads you to believe, this post is about home. I went home this past weekend to see my high school perform "Damn Yankees."

Well during my adventure home, I got to visit the new mall City Creek. It was amazing! My favorite part was the Disney Store. It was nothing like the 2-story one in New York, but still! I finally found a plush doll of Peter Pan. FINALLY! I swear... Disney hates Peter. I mean all they advertise is Tinker Bell. And she's great and all... but the movie is called PETER PAN. The only cool thing Tink does is fly around the castle.


I got to look at some clothes store and such. Me and my friends Katherine and Whitney rode the Trax down and back and laughed until we cried. It felt awesome to be back with friends. I hadn't seen either of them since January and I missed them dearly. It's true, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Even though we hadn't seen each other for such a long time, it's like I never left.

Speaking of which, visiting feels so weird. I see people that I spent three years with, and some people that I saw every day of those three years. I see some of my friends and it feels so weird.... I miss them all so much. I went to see the Productions Company, and it made me miss it so much. I miss every moment of ProCo. But I especially miss the family aspect of it. We had each others backs, ya know? We were a home away from home.

Now onto mi familia! My daddy made some flank steak and potatoes for dinner on Sunday. It was so yummy! I missed home cook meals. My step-sister and her boyfriend were there, my other step-sister and her husband and my baby niece came too! Oh she is so adorable! She is about a year and a half and just a ball of cuteness. She discovered what sprinklers are and she just stood there and laughed as a fine mist floated over her. My heart melted! My other step-sister couldn't make it, but I will see her soon!

One of the best parts of the entire weekend was seeing my cat Oreo. I know that sounds ultra lame, but I love the little ball of fur. Or should I say fat ball of fur. He slept right next to me every night for the past like 5 years. And for the two nights I was home, he was right there next to me =] Oh I missed him so. Also, my baby niece loves him too! She went through the house yelling, "Oreo! Oreo!" and she even looked through his cat door to the garage. She finally found him and laid by him, she pet him and kissed him. He is such a good cat. He just laid there and let her be fascinated by him.

On Sunday, I went to my home ward and it felt so weird! Finally stepping foot into that building as a member! They announced it in sacrament meeting and made me stand up.... I felt so awkward haha. But it was nice being there, even though I am in that awkward stage of not being a youth, but not being an adult. So if I went to the youth classes, I'd be the oldest. But if I went to the adult class, I'd be the youngest. I went to the adult class and didn't get any of the jokes they made.... it made me feel young.

Well, this is it for this post!

Stay excellent!
-Sarah Penrod

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scripture 4/16/12

I thought I'd share a scripture with you, this eve-a-ning.

D&C 123:17
   Therefore, dearly beloved bretheren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

Stay Excellent.
-Sarah Penrod

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life At Last.

Well... I kind of skimped on this whole "blog" thing.... But I promise to be better because the summer is starting and it gives me something to do =]

I recently went to Disneyland and I thought I'd share some pictures.

Um..... I'm in love with Peter Pan. So I screamed and died.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sarah's Daily Video, 1/10/12

Yesterday I didn't post a SDV because it was the first day of the semester and I was really tired and yeah.... ha ha anyway...

Today's video is from NicePeter on YouTube. You've probably heard of "Epic Rap Battles of History." If not.... well you're in for a treat. Most of the videos (I think all of them) swear, so if it's not your cup of tea.... I'm sorry. But I think this video is hilarious.


Stay Classy.